Zachery Eng
Brand & Graphic Design
Open to Contract and Full-Time Opportunities
Available for Relocation


CD: Britt Hull // Copy: Olivia Crandall // Design: Marc Hill // Photography: Nectar // Illustrations: Zachery Eng, Marc Hill // Strategy: Sara Cobaugh // PM: Claire Williams, Helsi Robino
Project Overview
After successfully rebranding the intelligence platform Onetrust, the challenge arose to seamlessly extend this system to encompass Trustweek, their significant annual conference. Our approach to this project revolves around the overarching theme of instilling corporate trust—unearthing, establishing, and harnessing it to foster stronger business relationships. Tailored for a conference featuring keynote speeches and customer highlights, our design naturally extends into the concept of a spotlight, a symbolic representation revealing dimension and driving focus throughout the event.
The Brief
Faced with the task of extending the rebranded system to Trustweek, our primary challenge was to maintain the essence of instilling corporate trust while accommodating the unique aspects of a substantial conference. How could we seamlessly integrate the multifaceted concept into a platform showcasing keynote speeches and customer highlights? This challenge prompted our exploration into a design strategy that not only maintained the integrity of the established system but also seamlessly transitioned into the conference setting, embodying the essence of trust in every aspect.
In response to the challenge, our solution for Trustweek is grounded in the overarching identity of instilling corporate trust, seamlessly extending from the successful Onetrust rebrand. Our design strategy aligns with the multifaceted nature of trust, ensuring it remains at the forefront of the conference. The spotlight concept, inspired by the need to reveal dimension and drive focus, serves as a symbolic representation throughout Trustweek. This intentional integration ensures that the event not only highlights key aspects but also fosters an atmosphere of trust, creating a seamless and engaging experience for attendees immersed in the world of corporate trust.